Antony Millen

A Nova Scotian living and writing in New Zealand

Alphabetica – A.D. Thomas

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Maple Koru Publishing is pleased to present Alphabetica by A.D. Thomas.

alphabetica cover

Alphabetica is a collection of short essays on topics ranging from art and books to women and vices. These essays include many quotes, passages, poetry and prose from a wide selection of literature. The effect is to create a kind of tapestry of knowledge and insights into daily life, seen through the eyes of an everyday, but well-read New Zealander, quietly living in a picturesque rural setting. The author’s relationship with this setting provides an entertaining take on things such as rain, frost, trains, sleep, childhood and even laughter. Despite its somewhat lofty subject matter Alphabetica is an easy to read book, appropriate to both layman and scholar alike.

Buy Alphabetica now on Amazon.

Alphabetica is a delightful collection of essays that provoke, entertain and stimulate the brain cells. It combines an in-depth analysis of some serious issues with a whimsical, folksy philosophy … The author is clearly very well-read and has pondered many of life’s issues over a significant period of time. His understands and clearly loves the English language.” – Chris Brady, author of Life Begins at 49

“Covers a wide range of different ideas and topics, with a lively, interesting and diverse set of essays.” – Roger Wood, Amazon review

About the Author

A.D.Thomas lives in Manunui, New Zealand, a small village near mountains and beside the Whanganui river. He is wed with three kids, loves test match cricket, swimming and collecting books. He has been a postman, a painter, and a dish washer, but presently teaches History and English at the local high school. He has been told, more than once, that his identity is bound by two things: that he lives in an old church and that he has dreadlocks. Alphabetica is about his seventh book, but the only one so far to be published.

Antony Millen